donderdag 19 mei 2011

Year One

Today marks the one-year anniversary of This Wonderful Life (I can’t believe it went by so fast). All in all, it’s been a good year, and despite falling off the blogging wagon a few times, I have definitely enjoyed it.

Thank you for each and every view and comment. If you like the drawings shown here, then maybe you like to have some originals on paper. As a thank you gift to all visitors of this blog I will sent handwritten letters with some TWL drawings in it. My handwriting is totally unreadable but at least you will have some This Wonderful Life drawings. ;-)

Just send me an email - subject: ‘TWL letter’ - to with name and address and I will send it to you by mail this summer.

(If you enjoy your visits to This Wonderful Life, please do not hesitate to spread the word using any of your social media networking links.)

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